social media

It’s quiet on here

Caution: existential crisis looming
Caution: existential crisis imminent

It is clear that my professional work, the original basis of this website, has changed. I have to assume, therefore, that the reading-audience has shifted, too. (Miniscule as it is.) I remain interested in reflecting upon and recording aspects of my life. It is said that the answer to the question “why do you write?” should be “I have to”. That hasn’t changed.

And social media has changed, too.

I have been less engaged via twitter, although I have accumulated 2,000 followers. I have been checking in occasionally and I have muted a bunch of people whose interests where once useful but now seem les so. (Especially the ICT and techy crowd.) For many years I have been part of the Facebook resistance. My nieces hardly use FB now but a small group of friends and relations do use it for photos, funnies and politics. I use Pinterest to keep reference to some visuals I like.

I found this interesting blogpost by Duncan Green of Oxfam headed

“Blogging’s getting a bit old – what’s next?
Plus, my first pitiful attempt at a vlog.”

He starts…

“It’s quiet in the blogosphere. Too quiet. (In Westerns, saying that invariably means you’re about to get an arrow in the head.)”

He gives some examples of multipliers and aggregators – and leads to the conclusion that text is old-hat and that the 90-second video, or Vlog, has been on the increase. He gives it a good shot.

pointless, incessant barkingDon’t worry, I will not be trying it myself soon.

I have retained an intersection of interests represented by this website. It’s a cliche but with active retirement I have been busier than ever. I plan to stay with adding to this blog and website – and hope you will stay, too.

Supplement 9 April 2016

Just as one blogpost about social media comes along there comes another, this one by Jose Picardo with a focus on use in schools, although I note it is  a re-post from last year.

Social media: What options do schools have?

“Education, balance and clear boundaries emerge as the key factors in ensuring that children are able to use social media in a relatively safe, supportive and productive environment.”

The twitter links came with a couple of images worth reproducing, too…

Alone Together
“Alone Together”



The addiction of media
The addiction of media

Read about the manual I prepared on personal learning networks and social media >

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