
Oak tree

I have retained the ‘geography and education’ tagline as it still defines who I am and what I do. However, the Active retirement now stands in replacement of ‘consultancy’.
More on that here.

“You’re never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream”
CS Lewis

Pannage includes background to my professional work – which I had called engagement for curriculum making and leadership – and this has now come to an end. I enjoyed a rich and varied experience

  • of managing partnerships for mutual benefit,
  • in generating learning materials, and
  • developing professional engagement for curriculum making and leadership.

Read more about this work >

George Orwell

Why I write

Who better than George Orwell to read about the drivers for writing. If only he had known about blogs.

1. “Sheer egoism… Writers share this characteristic with scientists, artists, politicians, lawyers, soldiers, successful businessmen — in short, with the whole top crust of humanity.”

2. Aesthetic enthusiasm
On this 2010 blogpost I have referred to something similar as expressive life.

3. “Historical impulse
Desire to see things as they are, to find out true facts and store them up for the use of posterity.”

Well, of course, he really means geographical impulse. Or geo-story.

4. Political purpose
Oh, yes!

Source: ‘Why I Write: George Orwell’s Four Motives for Creation’ by Maria Popova

I say more about this on a page called Write on >

Also about Golf >
Bowls >
Walking >

And I have written about craft and creativity here >

Read more on active retirement >

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