I was commissioned by Oxfam Education to work with the Citizenship Foundation to generate support and guidance for the Global Learning Programme – England.
Cross-curricular Framework
The outcomes include two documents, KS2 and KS3, on the cross-curricular opportunities and existing resources for this approach. The curriculum content is poverty and development and they now appear on the GLP website.
The purpose was to create a short-term teacher working-group to advise on, create and review the draft materials. I really appreciate this approach to professional engagement and curriculum making.
The working group of teachers has met and provided their input by email.
The secondary document is available here (PDF) from the Global Learning Programme.
For further details see this page of the Global Learning website.
Oxfam Education
Citizenship Foundation
Global Learning Programme – England
Professional engagement with teacher working groups
My first involvement in this pattern of working was in the 1980s Computers in the Curriculum. I used it extensively in the Channel Tunnel Curriculum Development and later in the GA sustainable communities project called Places People Want. It is also interesting to work in connection with different organisations each having their own purposes, in this case NGOs working within goverment department critieria and funding. It becomes an exercise in navigating individual and group relationships. I have written an opinion-piece about interest-groups and curriculum change – and who decides. This work also builds upon experience with Worldaware and Local4Global. There is coherence in this life-story!